"Breaking Bad" was my favorite series until i met "True Detective" because it showed me a new level on character design and evolution. True Detective, as the name says, it´s a detective drama series. It has to be about the case that Rust and Marvin need to solve, but the most important thing in the series it´s the inside of the characters, their feelings and most deeper passions that they have.

I have said that it´s another level of character design because the two protagonists look so real that you could teel when they´re lying to themselves only with the information you gather from their previous interactions, their looks, their hesitations in speaking, or the clear ego damage they show when the other finds lies in their words, which can be noticed in Marvin's fits of anger, for example.

But in the other hand, the case that the couple of cops need to solve it´s quite attractive, because it is about a series of murders carried out by an allegedly satanic sect.

The series I enjoy the most are those of organized crime or drama in general. It´s because I have fell in love when I have watched the godfather, so since that day I have been consuming this type of products.

The series that i haven´t seen yet and I want to it´s "Peaky Blinders", I have been told that it´s quite good, and it is about organized crime so, it couldn´t be better for me, I would probably watch it later.


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