My best holidays

My best holidays definitely were when I traveled to Cuba. I went there in 2018 with my mom, we stayed in a hostel in "La Habana Vieja" with a nice old lady for two weeks, but we not only stayed in there, we also shared great conversations with the old lady, named Lourdes, she was an smart woman who knowed everything about the city, which includes the history, idiosyncracy and culture in La Habana.

From her we learned about all the touristic and historical places in Cuba, not only La Habana. I remember myself with my mom in the "Museo de la Revolución", in there we learned about the revolution process in Cuba and its repercussions. 

Besides that we also visit the "Guanabo" beach, that is located two hours in the east of La Habana. In Guanabo i saw a crytal clear sea, and white warm sand, of course, the water were warm too, in there you could see the fishes among you, near your feet, sometimes they also touch you with no problem, it was lovely.

But definitely the besty part so far were the people. The cuban society is really kind, people always help you with any problem, that could be directions of some places, help to carry heavy things, or even talk with you no matter who you are or if they know you, they always want to make a conversation. I will definitely go back soon.


  1. Hi Pablo! I wish I knew Cuba, its beautiful beach, the music, the food and the nice people. It is a place I want to visit in the future.

  2. Hi Pablo!

    Your experience in Cuba is very cool. I like the climate and the landscapes of Cuba! I saw pictures and tiktoks very beautiful! I want to visit in the future :)

  3. Hi Pablo, your description of Cuba makes me want to travel there, to see those beaches and the friendly atmosphere. I hope to be able to go there in the future and have an experience as pleasant as yours.

  4. Hi Pablo, I also went to Cuba for vacations one time, we went with the best friend of my dad who live sporadically there. We visit so many places and it is an incledible country, I also made many cuban friends. If you travel to Cuba again I recommend you to go to "El orquideario de Soroa" in Pinar del Río.

  5. hi Pablo it sounds a very interesting place to visit, very full of culture and history.


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