My opinion about changes that could be made in journalism career

I believe that the journalism career in "Universidad de Chile" is quite good in some aspects, like the environment, because it promotes the union of the different social parts of the country, here we can know a lot of realities, from many places and regions with different customs. 

But in the other hand it still had things to do. For example, if we talk about the curriculum, i think that they are too much subjects that are pretty forgettable, so much that i can´t even remember they names. I guess that you could transit the career in 8 semesters and learn the same things that you do in the actual 10 semesters of the curriculum with no problem.

In terms of the workload, I believe that it´s ok, i have no complaints about it. Nevertheless, i will say that in matters of technology, i don´t know wy the mac´s are so slow, it take a lot of time for them to do the things that you are trying to do, specially when we talk about the "Adobe Premiere App". 

But otherwise i believe that the infrastructure it´s fine, i fell that i´m in a good space for study. The last thing i will add is that "Pañol" doesn´t have the best implements for journalism and film career, they´re a little bit outdated in terms of technological video cameras and audio stuff.

Summarizing, the journalism career in "Universidad de Chile" it´s ok, it has things to improve but it doesn´t mean that it´s bad, it´s quite good.


  1. I also think that some subjects are pretty forgettable, but I think that it is because the techers are too boring.


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