My favourite place to visit in Santiago :D

In my experience, Santa Lucía Hill is one of the most interesting places to visit here in Santiago. I believe that it is a place where you can connect with the history of the city, it´s totally an emblematic location because the hill was the site that Pedro de Valdivia (Founder of Santiago) chose for Built the city from 0. In addition, in the top of Santa Lucía Hill you could see all the city, wich means that you have a beautiful view.

To reach the hill you need to go to Las Palmeras´s street, at the end of the street you have to turn right and go straight ahead in Jose Pedro Alessandri´s street until you get to the Chile España tube station. Take the train and go in the Plaza de Quilicura station direction, until you get to Universidad de Chile station, there you got to transfer to line 1, Los dominicos direction, but it´s just one station, the next one who is called like the Hill, Santa Lucía station. When you go outside the station you need to cross the street, it´s right behind the exit, then you finally reach the hill.

Definitely, my favourite mean of transportation is the subway, because it´s faster than the bus and i don´t have to wait too much time in the station as i do with the bus or other way of transport.


  1. Santa Lucia hill looks like a very attractive place to visit and tour, I have never been there! I'll go soon to see what surprises I'll get.

  2. Hi Isabella, I will consider it as a place to visit soon. I have never visited it even though I live in Santiago. Thanks for the recommendation.


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